I will use this blog to talk about games, activities, and outings that my children and I do together. I will tell not only what the adults thought about what we did, but what the children thought as well. I hope you enjoy my blog!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Preschool Prep Sight Words DVDs

I cannot say enough good things about these DVDs. They are mostly responsible for teaching my two oldest children to read sight words. My oldest, who has ADHD, was not interested in learning to read at all. However, these DVDs sparked her interest. A couple of months after I bought the videos she was able to read sight words. My middle child, I, was able to read all the sight words on the videos by the time he was 3 1/2!

Both children say that they like watching the videos and often ask to see "sight words". I am glad that they are choosing these DVDs when allowed to watch TV!

Here is a link to the website.


Our Generation Dolls and Acessories

My girls and I have a lot of fun playing with these dolls. They each received one for Christmas. S also received a horse for her doll. These dolls are about 18 inches tall. The hair and eye color of the dolls vary, so one who looks similar to its owner can be purchased if the child wants that.

The girls like playing with the dolls and dressing in the same outfits as the dolls. They make the dolls "talk" to each other (okay so S does most of the "talking" and C just laughs) and they say that the dolls are friends and sisters as well.

I like that these dolls come with books. The books tell a cute little story about the doll, as if she was a real child. I think this not only fosters a love of reading for the child, but also helps to spark the imagination. The dolls are of good quality, as are the accessories that come with them. Some of the clothes are not as durable as I would like, but they are doll clothes so as long as they do not tear in two I suppose it is alright. They stand up to the abuse that a toddler can put them through.

The horse is a wonderful toy. It is sturdy and the accessories are easy to put on and pull off. I have been very pleased.

All in all, I expect I will be buying more of this line of toys for my daughters. They are good for hours of imaginative fun!

S Review

"I really like my doll and horses. They are really fun and special to me. That is all I have to say."

C Review

giggle and hugs the doll whenever she sees it




Monopoly Junior Edition

 Please remember that the views expressed in my post are mine and that of my children.  You and your child(ren) may have a different opinion or experience.

S received this game as a present from Santa.


The game is for children ages five to eight years.  It costs anywhere from $10-$15.

I think the game is fun.  Do not expect traditional monopoly though as this game is a little different.  For one, the money is in smaller increments (1s, 2s, 3s, 4s, and 5s).  This is a plus though since it makes the money easier for small children to count.   Also, there is not a choice of houses or hotels to put on properties.  When you buy a property (in this case an amusement park ride/attraction)  you place a ticket booth on it so when people land on it they know they have to pay you 'admission' to the ride/attraction. If one person owns both attractions of the same color, they get paid double the admission price whenever someone lands on it.   There are also chance cards which can either give you something (such as a free ticket booth) or take money away from you.  Railroads are on the board and landing on them gets you an extra turn.  There are two ways to play.  You can either stop when the first person loses all his or her money and the player with the most remaining money wins or you can play until only one player has any money left.  The game takes much less time to play than traditional monopoly.  We play until the first player loses all his or her money and it takes about 30-45 minutes to finish a game.

S's Review

"I like it a lot" 
"It is really fun" 
"Even if you do not win it is fun because you get to play with your family and maybe your friends if they come over.  Yeah, that would be fun..have friends over and play it.  My friends like it too."

I's Review

"It was fun."
"I didn't win last time.  I will win again next time.  You have to win.  It is fun anyway."

C is really too young to play.  She seems to like watching us play though. 

My First Post!

I am very excited to start this blog!  I often go looking for suggestions of fun things to do with children.  Sometimes I become frustrated because I find something that SOUNDS fun, but no reviews as to whether or not it is fun.  In the cases where I do find reviews, it is hard to tell what age the children were and/or if it was their opinion or just the opinion of the parents.  I am hoping that my blog can help moms like me find ways to entertain their children and make lasting memories. 

Here is a little bit of information about my children.

S is a fun-loving 6 year old first grader.  She has ADHD and that makes finding activities for her a bit more of a challenge.  Her favorite things are all things magical (such as fairies, unicorns, princesses, etc) but she can be just as rough and tumble as my son!  At the same time she has a very gentle and loving soul.

I is a 4 year old preschooler.  He likes all sports and loves to wrestle.  He is also my reader.  He loves books and starting reading when he was three.  He often would sit and listen and watch as I was working with S on her reading.  He picked it right up!  Sometimes he amazes me at how smart he is!

C is almost 2.  She is the sweetest baby!  She smiles and waves at everyone she sees.  She is always ready to give hugs and kisses!  I challenge anyone to stay in a bad mood for any more than five minutes around this kid!  She really knows how to light up a room!